Focus is the hallmark of a truly interesting collection.
At our Tucson show earlier this month, a long-time collector explained that she has decided to limit herself to very special Zuni carvings. And she found one at the show: a large Sonoran Sunrise macaw by Loren Tsalabutie, showing all the variations of cuprite and chrysocolla colors to best advantage. We have one customer who collects only Zuni-carved ceremonial dancers; another who collects unusual animals; and one who collects only mother-of-pearl carvings. One man collects nothing but mountain lions. One has a great fondness for purple stones. A friend who collects frogs of all origins, makes, and materials has a fetish bowl of Edna Leki frogs! Focus can sharpen your collection and put a point on your efforts. One of our collectors checks in regularly to see if we have any new alien carvings for his collection. He recently emailed a photo of the 26 aliens he added to his already large collection in 2015. I post it here for non-believers. Focus. The truth is out there.
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August 2017
Yvonne StokesEveryone collects something. Categories |